15: Example scene putting it all together

We’ve looked over a lot of information about hypnosis so far! At this point, let’s look at an example scene—something that combines what we’ve covered so far so that you can see how something like this might flow between two partners.

As you read this, think about what we’ve talked about and see if you can link what you’re reading to the concepts you’ve learned!

This is an imaginary scene done over a video chat.


Hypnotist: “I’m so glad you were interested in talking about maybe having a scene! How are you doing today?”

Subject: “I’m good! I’m excited too. What did you have in mind? I know that I mentioned bimbofication in my introduction—is that something that you’re into?”

H: “Definitely, I love bimbofication. What kinds of things do you like about it?”

S: “Personally, I really love the idea of getting dumber, and like—sluttier too… I’m not as much into the gendered stuff, though. What do you find exciting about it, yourself?”

H: “Really similar to you. I like the feminization aspects, but we don’t have to do that. I just really like the idea of taking someone and making them less capable, you know?”

S: “Yeah, that is… really hot. Is there anything else you might want to try in the scene?”

H: “I also enjoy doing stuff like freezeplay, and I think bimbofication, for me, tends to include stuff like arousal and pleasure. I’d rather not get TOO specifically sexual with it, but like pleasure on its own.”

S: “Sounds great to me.”

H: “Is there anything that I really shouldn’t touch on in the scene?”

S: “I don’t think it’ll come up, but I don’t really like ‘drone’ kinds of language and stuff—and like, ‘ownership’ language and titles. Anything I should know about you?”

H: “Just like I said—specific sexual stuff isn’t really my jam. I guess that means, like, I’m OK if you’re feeling driven to be fucked and you say something, but mostly I don’t like specific language for ‘the bits.’ It’s a gender thing for me. When you say ‘ownership,’ do you mean any kind of stuff around feeling submissive or controlled?”

S: “Totally get that. And—no, I guess I just mean implying that I submit only to you, or that you own me or whatever. I like feeling controlled…”

H: “Noted! What would you like your safeword to be for the scene? Just in case you need to communicate something in shorthand—I’ll definitely listen to you if you tell me ‘no’ or ‘stop’ in plain language.”

S: “I’ll use ‘red.’”

H: “OK—if you say ‘red’ I’ll bring you out of trance and stop the scene.”

S: “Awesome. You can tell me if you’re uncomfortable, too!”

H: “Thank you! Do you know what you might need for aftercare?”

S: “Well, this is my first scene with another person, so I’m not sure. But I think I’d like it if we can talk a little afterwards?”

H: “Sure, I like that too. Definitely get yourself some water and a snack afterwards!”

S: “OK!”

H: “Do you need to use the bathroom or anything before we start? Have you had enough food and water today? And is there anything I need to know about how you’re feeling?”

S: “I’m all set—I’m doing fine today! I’m maybe a little nervous because I’ve only been hypnotized by recordings before.”

H: “Awesome! Well, we can talk a little bit about what to expect—it’s definitely a little different live.”


H: “So you mentioned you’ve listened to hypnosis files before. What has that been like for you?”

S: “Honestly… a mixed bag. I feel like I have a hard time letting go most of the time. Like I can’t relax.”

H: “Gotcha. Just so you know—hypnosis doesn’t have to involve relaxation, and we don’t have to do it in this trance. It’s actually more about focus—but it’s not necessarily like you’ll be blank-minded, or that your mind won’t wander sometimes. That’s all normal.”

S: “Ah, I see.”

H: “Also it’s worth mentioning that you’ll almost certainly be aware of what’s happening—even when I transform you into a bimbo, there might be a little part of you that’s sort of observing, or understanding that it’s hypnotic. All the suggestions and stuff might feel closer to a really intense daydream, or something else like that. Hypnosis is really individualized, so you can just be curious about what’s happening. No matter how you respond to what I say, that’s YOUR response—that’s what matters.”

S: “Thanks, that helps!”

H: “Also, just to reiterate—you can communicate with me if you need to, even if you’re in trance. I’ll also help you with that, hypnotically.”

S: “OK!”


H: “Alright. Now I know you’re feeling a little nervous, but you’re sitting comfortably and listening to me, so in a moment you’re going to start to go into trance.”

H: “Maybe you’re focusing on my voice, or starting to focus on your body, but there are some subtle changes that you’re beginning to notice.”

H: “You can let yourself take that breath—let the excitement set in a little. Noticing the way your body is starting to respond as you focus and begin slipping into trance.”

H: “As you sink down a little more, I can see the muscle tone of your face changing, and your shoulders slumping. I’m sure if you pay attention, you can notice more feelings like that.”

H: “You can feel your attention changing, too, getting more fixated on things. There’s a part of you that’s probably sort of wondering, ‘Is this trance? Am I hypnotized?’ Just like it’s supposed to. But as I keep talking and as you keep dropping, you can almost hear a little echo of, ‘yes,’ as your brain finds more and more signs and feelings that you ARE hypnotized.”

H: “Like the way that your eyes are starting to flutter, or the way your head is dipping and the way that that feels. Even things you don’t immediately notice. You don’t have to do anything in particular to go into trance. You can let yourself respond and go deeper naturally.”

H: “That’s right, just like that. Getting more immersed in your body and in my words, even going back and forth.”

H: “And maybe now you can notice that my words have a special power—a special transformative power as you sink further. They’re starting to suck away your intelligence as you listen more and more. The more you pay attention, the more you can feel your mind getting dimmer, and dumber.”

H: “And that feels really good, doesn’t it? Letting that feeling spread out inside your head, sucking and draining things away. It feels really good, and you can even let yourself get distracted by how good that feels in your body.”

H: “Feeling better and better, and also getting dumber and dumber, thinking more and more differently. Maybe smaller words, or slower thoughts as you feel the pleasure of it tingling in your body.”

H: “Maybe my voice is transforming your body too—spreading through you and making you better at feeling that pleasure. You like feeling pleasure, right? You can feel your brain and body making small adjustments to get better at feeling it.”

H: “You might not know it yet, but your voice is going to be changed too. In a moment, I’m going to ask you to say, ‘yes,’ and you’ll get to hear your sexy little bimbo voice, and it’s going to feel really good.”

H: “You can talk easily when you’re in trance, you know. Your body still knows how to move your lips and make your throat work, even when you’re deep in trance and dumb. It does it all by itself.”

H: “Now, sinking even deeper into that sexy dumb feeling. You’re all nice and dumb, aren’t you? Say, ‘yes.’”

S: “Yes…”

H: “That felt good, right? You really sound like a bimbo now; your voice is all high-pitched. How are you feeling, silly?”

S: (giggling) “Good…”

H: “That’s right. You like feeling good, don’t you?”

S: “Yes…”

H: “That’s right! And hearing your voice just reinforces the way you’re seeing yourself as a bimbo right now.”

H: “Now with your sexy bimbo voice, why don’t you tell me how much of a dumb little slut you are?”

S: “...Um, um…”

H: “What’s up? You can tell me anything you need.”

S: “I’m sorry, um. That word…”

H: “You don’t like it?”

S: (nods)

H: “Thank you so much for telling me. You don’t have to say that at all if it doesn’t feel right. I want you to feel good, right?”

S: (nods)

H: “That’s right. Do you want to keep going?”

S: “Yeah…”

H: “Excellent. So you can let yourself go quiet a little and sink back into the good, sexy feelings in your body, really focusing all that intelligence into the pleasure.”

H: “And maybe because you’re so focused on the pleasure in your body, your brain is starting to lose its ability to control your body. If your body needs to adjust to get comfortable or you need to say something, your body will still do that because it wants to feel better and better. But it’s like your silly brain isn’t remembering how to move anymore, feeling that sense of being stuck spreading all the way down.”

H: “Just like that. That’s right, your body moves its neck a little so you can settle in better to being frozen. Limp. Dumb. Unable to move.”

H: “And a bimbo like you just gets more excited when you’re helpless, right? Like all those hot, tingly, pleasurable feelings are getting stronger because you can’t squirm or do anything about it.”

H: “Now watch your body automatically respond—say, ‘yes.’”

S: “Yes…”

H: “And that felt extra good because you didn’t even really do that yourself! More and more helpless, more and more pleasure, more and more dumb.”

H: “I’m going to tell you to melt in a moment, and your body won’t be stuck anymore, but it’s going to feel so heavy and liquid. Melt.”

H: “That’s right, sinking even deeper. Really feeling controlled now, how much I’ve messed with your intelligence and your pleasure. My voice really can transform you, right?”

H: “It’s exciting to think about some things that you want right now, ways that it could control you more.”

H: “But for now, I’m going to turn you back into your old self and wake you up.”

H: “We can always play with these things again, so you can let yourself start to gain back your mind, little by little. Regaining all the motion in your body and letting this all become a sexy memory we can play with again, if you want. Getting smarter and smarter, feeling your body slowly returning to normal.”

H: “And waking up on the count of three—one, two, three.”


14: Setting up for success


16: What’s next?